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Operative principles, project and transparency

We consider it very important to introduce you to the operating principles by which this project is developed, as it is expected that the people involved feel comfortable with the security of being part of a project that fully identified.

Regarding the profile of the project, consider it a public project, aimed at improving the educational institutions with independence and freedom to propose new approaches.

For his feature public funding has its origin in the notice of grant of Education Development of the Ajuntament de Barcelona.

Access to information and transparency are two principles are linked to caracterísitiques project. Both the progress of activities as the use of public resources will be consulted by anyone interested in this information.

As for those involved in the project are recognized and valued for their diversity of opinions and wealth of experiences that each brings to the project.

With regard to technological tools for information and communication, maintaining a firm position on the use of free software, open source, non-commercial social networking and  creative commons license authorship.

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